• Kyrie (Matthew Larkin)
  • First Reading: Exodus 20:1-17
  • Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
  • Hymn: “Creator of the Earth and Skies” (Common Praise #173) / words below
  • Sermon
  • Prayers of the People
  • Lord’s Prayer (sung)
  • Blessing
  • Hymn: O God of Font and Altar (Common Praise #389) / words below
  • Dismissal

Creator of the Earth and Skies

Creator of the earth and skies, to whom the words of life belong,
Grant us your truth to make us wise; grant us your power to make us strong.

We have not known you: to the skies our monuments of folly soar,
And all our self-wrought miseries have made us trust ourselves the more.

We have not loved you: far and wide the wreckage of our hatred spreads,
And the evils wrought by human pride recoil on unrepentant heads.

For this, our foolish confidence, our pride of knowledge and our sin,
We come to you in penitence, in us the word of grace begin.

Teach us to know and love you, Lord, and humbly follow in your way.
Speak to our souls the quickening Word, and turn our darkness into day.


O God of Font and Altar

O God of font and altar, of music, grandeur, light;
Toward whom the soaring arches aspire beyond their height:
As beauty draws us to you within this house of prayer,
Let worship form and feed us to help us show your care.

O life-bestowing Spirit, inspire this hallowed space;
Breathe through us with new fervour and fill us with your grace.
Arouse our lagging spirits, enflame our hearts with joy;
Here let a love be kindled that death cannot destroy.

O Christ, who cleansed the temple, baptize us with your zeal,
And teach us your compassion to love, forgive, and heal.
Be in our midst to claim us and make us as your own;
Then send us forth in witness to make your mercy known.