Welcome to Worship at St John's

We are glad you are here. You are welcome to worship God with us.

Each Sunday, we gather to offer prayers, praise God, and celebrate the Holy Eucharist in the Anglican tradition. If you're visiting for the first time, you will find it easy to follow along in the bulletin, or just take it in as an experience of sacred time. As a worshiping community, we help each other, and if you're unsure what to do, you will be sitting with people who will assist where you are unsure. All are welcome to come forward to participate in the Eucharist. Please request a gluten-free wafer if needed. Please note that it is regarded as a full communion whether or not you receive the wine from the chalice. You may also request a blessing if desired.


The 8 a.m. Eucharist is a short, quiet service, without music. It features a Kids' Korner filled with activities and opportunities for children to participate in whatever way they feel comfortable. The liturgy is the traditional language from page 230 of the Book of Alternative Services. After the service, the community convenes at the local Bridgehead coffee shop on the corner of Elgin and MacLaren for a time of conversation and socializing. 

The 10.15 a.m. Eucharist includes full choir, lots of music, and Godly Play for children. The liturgy is contemporary, from the modern language liturgy of the Anglican Book of Alternative Services. After the service, refreshments are served right in the nave of the church. Stay and enjoy!

*Children are very welcome at all our church services as well as special events. Find out more about children’s participation at St John’s HERE.

The 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist. St John's moves to a summer schedule of one Sunday worship service from the first weekend in June up to and including the Labour Day Weekend, plus other occasional services as announced in advance in the newsletter. This service includes music led by a musician (organist or pianist) and a cantor. The liturgy is the modern language service from the Anglican Book of Alternative Services. Lemonade and Refreshments served in the nave following the service.


Please note that the Indigenous practice known as smudging is offered at the beginning of most worship services. St John's Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Kimberly Johnson offers smudging as you enter the church on Sunday. If this practice is new to you, you will be guided in what to do. All are welcome to participate but none are required to do so. Find out more about smudging in the following short introductory video.

If you are attending a service at which smudging is not offered, you are welcome to participate in "dry smudge." You will find the medicines just to the right as you enter the church from the main doors on Elgin Street. 

  • Choose from tobacco, cedar, sage, sweetgrass and rub them in your hands.
  • Place the rubbed medicines in the shell (these will be respectfully burned)
  • Bring your hands to your eyes, ears, mouth and body.
  • Watch the video for a more detailed description.